Small & Medium Business

Cybersecurity is a massive and growing problem for small to medium businesses. The average cost of a data breach for organizations under 500 employees was $3.31 million in 2023. In fact, 43% of cyberattacks are aimed at small to medium businesses. Unfortunately, only 14% of small to medium companies are prepared to defend themselves.

In addition to the risk of financial and reputational harm, the lack of a mature cybersecurity program is an inhibitor to sales. 41% of companies report that the lack of continuous compliance slows down sales cycles.

Bright Defense is here to fill the gap. We defend your organization from cybersecurity threats through continuous compliance. Our offering meets compliance frameworks and aligns with your business objectives to make your organization more secure.

Monthly Service

Our monthly service offering includes:

Continuous Cybersecurity Compliance

Managed Compliance Automation

Managed Security Awareness and Phishing

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)

Continuous Cybersecurity Compliance

Our CISSP and CISA-certified security experts will develop and execute a cybersecurity plan to meet compliance frameworks. Our continuous compliance service includes:

Gap Analysis

Risk Assessment

Policy Generation and Implementation

Business Continuity Planning


Certification Assistance

Managed Security Awareness and Phishing

Security awareness training modules, AI-driven phishing tests, and reporting and progress monitoring.

Managed Compliance Automation

Automate your compliance journey with a single platform for all your frameworks that allows you to monitor your compliance status continuously.

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)

Our experienced and certified vCISOs work with your team through every phase of the compliance journey to ensure your security program is tailored to your unique business requirements

Small Business, Robust Security

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Improve your cybersecurity posture and build a security-conscious culture to minimize financial risk and reputational harm.

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Custom security policies and business continuity plans tailored to your objectives. Three continuous compliance packages to fit your needs and budget.

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Our monthly engagement model delivers a robust cybersecurity program that meets compliance standards for a fraction of the cost of an in-house security expert.

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Capture more revenue and build client trust by achieving compliance with SOC 2, CMMC, and HIPAA frameworks.

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Our dedicated vCISO navigates you through the complexities of compliance with expert guidance.

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Streamlined processes and automated tools to reduce the cost and complexity of compliance with complete visibility into your compliance status through our managed compliance automation dashboard.

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