Shift-left compliance

Table of Contents

    John Minnix

    September 24, 2024

    What Is Shift-Left Compliance?

    Video Transcript

    Below is a transcript of the video conversation between Bright Defense’s Co-Founder, Tim Mektrakarn, and Drata’s Head of Product Marketing, Topher Stephenson.

    Tim: “What is shift-left compliance?”

    Topher: “This is what I’m most excited about. This is Drata’s greatest innovation in the market so far.

    Shifting-left compliance is thinking about compliance before you hit the production environment in your SDLC, your software development life-cycle. Pretty much every other compliance automation platform is going to look at only evidence that is post-production. Meaning, this is committed code.

    Shifting-left compliance means you’re actually looking earlier in the SDLC to when the code is created. As the code is being committed, we are actually checking the code, specifically your infrastructure as code, to ensure that it is compliant. Before it even hits the production environment, you are removing any of the security concerns.

    The great thing is that it makes it so that your audits are that much easier because you’re never introducing these errors into your infrastructure. And, you’re building a strong security and compliance mindset within your orgnanization where your developers are learning along the way what are the best in class, most secure coding practices.

    We are the only ones that do that right now. For me, it is a huge benefit for our customers because you basically remove the problem before it starts.”

    About Bright Defense

    Bright Defense is defending the world from cybersecurity threats through continuous compliance.

    We understand that compliance is more than just checking boxes. It’s about minimizing the financial risk and reputational harm from a data breach. It’s also about assuring your clients, stakeholders, and employees that you are conducting business with the greatest commitment to security and data integrity.

    Bright Defense combines technology, expertise, and a customer-centric approach into a continuous compliance service that meets your unique business needs. Our monthly engagement model delivers a robust cybersecurity program that allows you to meet compliance frameworks, including SOC 2ISO 27001HIPAAPCI, and CMMC.

    Once compliance certification is achieved, we constantly enhance your security program to keep up with the evolving threat landscape and compliance standards. Our compliance automation toolset powered by Drata gives you complete visibility into your compliance status while saving you time and money.  Contact Bright Defense today to get started!

    About Drata

    Drata is the world’s most advanced security and compliance automation platform with the mission to build trust across the cloud. With Drata, thousands of companies streamline over 20 compliance frameworks—such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, GDPR, and more—through continuous, automated control monitoring and evidence collection, resulting in a strong security posture, lower costs, and less time spent preparing for annual audits. The company is backed by ICONIQ Growth, Notable Capital, Alkeon Capital, Salesforce Ventures, Cowboy Ventures, S Ventures, Leaders Fund, Okta Ventures, SVCI, SV Angel, Intuit Ventures, and many key industry leaders. For more information, visit

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